Soil for Cocoa in Papua New Guinea

The four key objectives of the project are:

  • Develop scientifically rigorous and actionable management strategies that can be promoted through public and private extension networks and adopted and adapted by cocoa smallholders.
  • Evaluate the efficacy of conventional and novel soil management options to improve the soil’s condition towards intensified cocoa farming. 
  • Determine the regionally specific opportunities for developing and managing cocoa soils sustainably, with a particular focus on lifting the status of women smallholders. 
  • Determine the implications of alternative soil management options on the development of cocoa qualities of market concern. 

The project is funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) [SLAM/2019/109]. The current project is Phase II of our previously funded ACIAR project (SMCN/2014/048) project (Phase II). 

Phase I of this project focused on green waste management as a source of soil nutrients for cocoa; capacity building in soil sampling, analysis, and interpretation; and targeted training strategies. Phase 2 aims to develop scientifically robust and actionable advice on sustainable site-specific soil management strategies which will help cocoa smallholders to support the PNG Cocoa Industry Strategic Plan.

This website is a showcase of the research findings, practices and activities from both Phase 1 (2016 – 2021) and Phase 2 (2022 – 2026). 
